The wires go thru the battery case of the Beats and the MIDI-Out-is housed in an old MIDI-Thru-Box (MT-5). This item routes in normal life 3 MIDI-Ins to 5 MIDI-Outs, but now the 5th Midi-Out is the Output of the Volca Beats!
If I connect the MIDI-Out of the Volca Beats with one of the MIDI-Ins, I have 4 Midi-Outs to sync to the Volca Beats. At the moment I only use it for the Boomerang III Looper, but in the future I will try it with my other Synths & Sequencers (Jomox Xbase 09, Analogue Solutions Europa, Roland Juno 60 with Midi, Waldorf Pulse I & Microwave I , Doepfer MS-404, Nord Modular Rack ....

Thanks to Marcbert for Soldering The MIDI-Out!
have you added the outputs outs? what is possible?
AntwortenLöschenHi and sorry for answering so late. On this article I only explain how I did the MIDI-Out mod. But I did start with Audio Outs, too. An second article will follow when I am finished with all.
AntwortenLöschenI am not the guy for try and error with technical stuff,
I searched and found
I really would like to have separate outs for snare and kick, like KOMA did it,
but it seems that this is a little tricky. Cause Korg only made soldering points for:
Pink Noise
White Noise
Ring Noise
Toms &Snare
Toms &Snare &Kick
Somebody on Facebook posted, that audio is not working since he tried to make individual outs for kick and snare....
So I think I will go a save way and add to the Existing HiHat - Output:
Toms &Snare &Kick + PCM + one of the Noises